With sweet summertime drifting away we wanted to take a look back at this summer's bestsellers! From fun poufs, custom pillows, rugs, notebooks to jewelry- we've had a variety of handcrafted lifestyle products so many customers have loved and we know you will too. So whether you are about standing out or getting in with the trend, see more about what favorite products found a home this summer season below!

Sterling Silver, 14K Gold, Oxidized Silver are a few of our customers favorite things. Colleen Mauer, a San Fransisco based artist crafts each piece of jewelry with characterand a hand hammered touch inspired by her surroundings. Her process is "organic and unplanned, spontaneous and surprising" making her a stand out artisan, and we must say, a sure shop favorite, at SYD+SAM. 

 Inspired by the opportunity to bring fun, color, and versatility to a space, we recently added a kids section to our shop. There are a few handmade vendors at the heart of this collection that we just absolutely love. And we have to say it's true, we found Monroe Workshop via Instagram! They're wild and hilarious kids toys are handmade from scraps of wood LA Furniture Designer Matt Monroe collects in the wood shop. Immediately attracted to their minimalist design, we just knew their west coast vibes would be a great addition to our east coast store.

Love what you see?
Shop your favorites in store Tuesday - Sat. 11-7pm, Sunday 11-5p and online, always.

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